1. Hudson Tunnel Project vs. The Correct Alternative - with Illustrated Counterproposal
2. NEC Future? - or Backwardation. Comment and Illustrated Counterproposal with Addendum
3. Reviving the Rockaway Beach Branch - by Subway or Long Island Railroad?
4. LaGuardia Direct Route(s) two of them Illustrated and Described, with Comment of 10/20/2020
4a. Comment upon Presentation of the Fourteen New Alternatives 3/24/2022
5. Jamaica Capacity "Improvements" - Problems with Design of Long Island Railroad Projects
6. Old Stations NY Penn and Washington, DC - Various Scenarios of Tentatively Planned Improvements
7. The ARC Trans-Hudson Tunnel vs. The Correct Alternative, Several Reasons to Stop the ARC Tunnel Plan
8. Montclair Terminal Redux and Lackawanna Plaza, with Boonton Line Direct Route Upgrade
9. Hell Gate Bridge CENTENNIAL! @railroadingtherightway
11. NEW! (and slightly off-topic) Michigan Avenue Subway, Detroit
12. Madison Square Garden: On Top of the Post Office? - Unpublished Op-Ed
14. Off-Topic! Texas High-Speed Rail Comment of January 2018 - with Illustrated Counterproposal
15. Further Off-Topic! Uinta Basin Railway Project, Utah - Comment of September 2019